samedi 11 février 2012

Adriana Lima: the gift she dreams on Valentine's Day

The gorgeous Adriana Limaone of the most beautiful angels of Victoria's Secretwasentrusted with the approach of Valentine's DayThe gorgeous brunette, who turns it on February 14 its three years of marriage with Marko Jaricreveals what gift she dreams of receiving on the occasion of the feast of love.

Adriana Lima is a simple womanNo need for diamond jewelry or designer dresses for the bridgeAs we approach Valentine's Day, she sent a bouquet of roses would be enough to make her happy"If my husband actually deliver at homeI'll be very happy.There is nothing better than receiving flowers from someone you love," says,the beautiful.

However, Valentine's Day is a special day for Adriana Lima and her basketball playerhusbandFebruary 14the angel of Victoria's Secret will celebrate three years of marriagewith Marko Jaricwith whom she has a daughter, ValentinaIf the fair has chosen to say"yes" to her man on the day of the feast of lovethis is because for her "Valentine's Daymeans giving and receiving love in all its different forms".

Very romanticAdriana Lima says attach much importance to the delicate attentionsShe would then receive in addition to a bouquet of rosesa love note written by hand"It's really touching and directthe beautiful viewHer man knows what he needs to be done!

Happy Birthday Jennifer Aniston! 43 things you do not know about the star

While the former Friends star, become indispensable in Hollywood, celebrates 43 years today, find out 43 things you do not know about it.
1) It is still in contact with the mother of Brad Pitt.
2) This is a fan of the band Duran Duran.
3) She got a nose job because she had a problem of nasal septum.
4) Younger, made her squint strabismus.
5) She took courses at New York High School of the Performing Arts.
6) His first appearance in cinema in 1993 in the movie Leprechaun.

7) She is proud of being laughed at Al Paccino when she played at the theater.

8) Leprechaun his first film had such bad reviews, she felt and wanted to stop humiliiée her acting career
9) She had auditioned for the role of Monica Geller.
10) With Friends, she was among the first players to be paid $ 1 million per episode.
11) The role of Rachel should not be permanent.
12) She is Buddhist.
13) She loves pilates.
14) She can not go out with a man who does not love dogs.
15) For the filming of The break, she uses a body double for her bottom.
16) She received a total of 31 awards during his career.
17) She starred in 43 productions (films and series combined).
18) Bruce Willis has wanted to play in Friends if it embraced.
19) She admitted throwing a chair in the face of a director who treated his actors poorly.But they missed it.
20) In February 2011, she was voted "most desirable woman for Valentine's Day", ahead of Angelina Jolie.
21) In 2007, she received a GLAAD Vanguad Award for his contribution to the lesbian, gay and transgender.
22) This is the godmother of Coco Riley, the daughter of Courtney Cox.
23) With his first paycheck from Friends, she was offered a car.
24) She appeared in two series of his girlfriend Courtney Cox: Dirt and Cougar Town.
25) inveterate smoker, she finally managed to stop.
26) She had to lose 15 pounds to play in Friends.
27) She loved her dog Norman so that when he died, she got her name tattooed on the foot.
28) Before drilling in Hollywood has been a letter carrier.
29) It remained close friends with his fellow players Jason Bateman and Ben Stiller.
30) It is sleepwalking.
31) As a youngster, she had a look of punk and shaved the hair behind the ears.
32) She was afraid of flying.
33) As a child she spent a year in Greece, countries from which his parents.
34) Alyson Hannigan would like to play the wife of Ted in How I met your mother.
35) She has her own perfume, Lolavie.
36) His father, John, born Yannis Anastassakis, is twenty-four years a mainstay of the soap Days of our lives.
37) She loves Mexican food.
38) She hated her look in Friends.
39) Since 2 July 2011, she has a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
40) At the age of 11, one of his paintings was exhibited Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York.
41) It's Karate with Courtney Cox.
42) Her divorce from Brad Pitt allowed him to reconcile with her mother.
43) His real name Jennifer Joanna Anastassakis

lundi 6 février 2012

Linkin Park Dead by Sunrise

Chester Bennington is part of the band Linkin Park....but he's released his debut album with Dead By Sunrise this year as an extra 'side project'. 

This is pretty common among artists. In fact Chesters fellow linkin park member 'Mike Shinoda' (the MC in LP) also has a 'side project' band called 'Fort Minor' - ( pretty good aswell, check them out) So whenever Chester and Shinoda aren't working with Linkin Park, they work on their other music projects with Dead By Sunrise and Fort Minor. 

And as for Linkin Park - they recently released the transformers film soundtrack and they're doing mini-gigs around the world...Linkin Park also announced on their web site that they were working on their fourth album which will be released in 2010! 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vestibulum leo nisi, condimentum at vestibulum id, pulvinar id eros. Cras aliquet molestie ligula, sit amet elementum tortor congue ac. Nullam nibh neque, varius et congue sit amet, placerat eget nibh. Phasellus erat sapien, malesuada nec imperdiet id, tempus at neque. Maecenas vel est at lectus luctus lacinia. Aliquam eu lacus in neque commodo convallis eu et lectus. Ut eget nibh arcu. 

Praesent malesuada ante at dui vulputate ultrices. Donec dignissim libero ac lorem accumsan eu lobortis lacus lobortis. Sed magna eros, lobortis ac semper sit amet, tincidunt at nibh. Duis vel lectus nisl. Nulla at est quis leo placerat iaculis. Integer massa augue, pellentesque eu facilisis nec, auctor et turpis. Vivamus congue blandit nisl nec auctor. Proin rutrum magna iaculis arcu malesuada a suscipit nisl tincidunt. Etiam id quam semper diam dapibus pretium ac vel arcu. Cras ornare, eros consectetur gravida pharetra, nisi enim luctus eros, blandit accumsan tortor ligula non tortor. Cras placerat, velit vitae laoreet faucibus, odio augue rutrum nisl, non vestibulum dui dui sed diam. Pellentesque urna dolor, vehicula ac sollicitudin eu, varius ac lectus. Integer quis ipsum enim, ut volutpat sem. Praesent ipsum nibh, hendrerit a facilisis quis, porta ac augue. Nullam nulla turpis, tempor id imperdiet quis, pretium nec urna.

How to become sexually attractive

Sexuality is originally given to us by nature and someone has bigger and brighter sexuality, someone - smaller and not so noticeable. How to emphasize it?
Sexual energy
Experts define it as sexual libido. Its potential generates the energy that comes from us in our actions, conversation, body language. It captures our thoughts and is expressed especially clearly, for example, in dance, when women liberate internally. Then through movements and temperament one can compose a sexy image of some features. It can help measuring strength and raised brightness of sexual energy. The way it appears, effect it has on an individual and others - depends on culture of education, spirituality. Therefore, expression of this building may look attractive in different ways, and, as we say, sexy, and can not be beautiful, and somewhere even vulgar.
Women’s sex appeal
Women’s sex appeal - is whole harmonious sexual image. And it not always depends only on external beauty. It also includes a way to talk, external appeal: figure, look, tone of voice and even body language. Naturally, clothes, hairstyle, make-up, properly chosen, will help clarifying all this to highlight and complement a sexy image of external appeal. Sexuality can and should be improved, as well as physical strength and intellect. You must try to discover something greater in yourself, than nature gave you.
Female sexual sensuality
It is right, that women’s sexual sensuality, its development, depend largely on actions of men, particularly, of course, loved. But things you can do on the way to improve your sensitivity are also very important. Sometimes you just need to move something inside of you, to overcome a defined set of complexes, a bias, which is not fundamentally in breach of your moral principles. What exactly - this is very individual.
Your internal women’s secrets and desires are only available to you, just try to make at least a small step towards realization of this. You must remember that men on this road often move, as if they are in a dark room looking for yield. And, of course, not all can quickly find it, and some may not find it at all. Try to help them in this through your initiative, even not great, but it may be necessary to give a positive impetus to them in the right direction for you. So, the better and faster you understand yourself, the easier it will be for your beloved man to find and disclose those doors, that lead to mutual sexual joys nature laid in you, having covered all this with mysteries.
A man always finds something special, some kind of flavor in a chosen woman. This may be special roundness of knees, fold on a body, which particularly worries him, long nose, form of lips, face, or, for example, presence of a light nap on lips some men find sexual.
A well-known phrase that there is no plain women is true, because nature, creating its variety, wisely gives us demand for this countless unique diversity in women’s appearance in particular. For a woman’s beauty should be contemplated and admired.
All of us are influenced by complexes and, as psychologists claim, they are inherent to every normal person, we just have to fight with them, that’s all. Internal relaxedness, self-confidence, self-awareness of your forces, passions, desires and capacities allow a woman realizing her sexual potential better.
Of course, without influence of psychological factors, as men’s tenderness and love, it is difficult. When a woman feels cherished and loved, she blossoms with all colors and flavors of her charm, like a rose in the morning.
Love yourself
Try to love yourself, your appearance, and that distinctive personality built into it - it will help you to love others. A woman who does not love herself can hardly rely on someone’s love. Love to yourself gives birth to confidence. And then you can stream energy, called a fluid charm, which will form a halo of appeal around you, which will attract people to you like a magnet.
Tips and Tricks
Be sure to give sufficient attention to your figure. Gradually accustom yourself to regular physical education. It is not a secret that regular sports, physical exercise increase the level of happiness hormones. You will feel confident in your appearance.
If you smoke, then quit it. Smoking leads to premature facial skin aging, its natural freshness gradually disappears, color becomes gray. Nicotine contributes to appearance of premature wrinkles on face, changing of teeth color, not to mention presence of bitter taste in saliva and halitosis. In addition, nicotine reduces sexual sensitivity.
It is also very important that your surrounding world would be always in harmony and order, especially in home environment. It should be beautiful and well-groomed, and it is not important, whether you live in a family or alone. Look around you and try to fix what is not true. Do not allow yourself running in unsightly clothes even in private, at home  - this quietly kills a sense of beauty inside of you.
Stop nagging and complaining, sparing yourself constantly - just love yourself!

Stars before and after plastic surgery

                                                                          Avril Lavigne 


                                              Britney Spears's Liposuction

Miss-France scandal new new new 2012.

jeudi 2 février 2012

Cristiano Ronaldo vs. Lionel Messi

scandal de cristiano ronaldo avec le real madrid 2012

Tattoos- Health Risks and Toxic Effects

Tattoos are one of the most popular and prevalent forms of Body Art.  The practice of tattooing is centuries old, and is central to some cultures.  Much has been written about the hazards of tattooing if practiced under unsanitary conditions.  Little attention has been directed however to the potential latent health effects of tattoo inks. 
Tattooing has been practiced throughout most of the world, though it is rare among darkly pigmented peoples, and rare in China.  Evidence of tattoos has been found in Egyptian mummies over 4000 years old.  There is also evidence suggestive of the 5000+ year old Iceman having tattoos.  It is thought the word “tattoo” entered English and European languages in 1769, having been recorded by James Cook’s Tahiti expedition.  In 1891 the first electric tattoo device was patented in the US. 
Interest in tattoos has waxed and waned in US and European cultures.  Negative footnotes to tattoo history would be use with prisoners and Nazi concentration camp internees.  Religious objection to tattoos can be found in Leviticus 19:28:  “You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh on account of the dead or tattoo any marks upon you.” 
The practice of tattooing seems to have now become mainstream.  Young adults and teens worldwide are having dangerous compounds and chemicals injected under their skin for the sake of body art.  The trend started surging in the early 1990s.  By 2003 it was projected that 36% of 25- to 29-year olds in the US had at least one tattoo.  That makes tattoos a pretty big business. 

Nobody Wants To Look Like Angelina Jolie

Famous plastic surgeons of Beverly Hills say that nobody is opting to have hair or face like actress Angelina Jolie but are preferring many other stars like Penelope Cruz, Taylor Swift etc. According to Dr. Richard Fleming and Dr. Toby Mayer's survey more than 1,200 patients would want to have Anne Hathaway’s eyes, Natalie Portman’s nose, January Jones‘ cheeks, Scarlett Johansson’s lips and Halle Berry’s jawline and but none want any features of the most admired beauty Angelina Jolie.
“Angelina Jolie is not anywhere on the list this year,” Dr. Richard Fleming of the Institute of Aesthetic and Reconstructive Surgery, Beverly Hills told Angelina Jolie has been on the list from many years and his patients always requested for Rhinoplasty (a plastic surgery treatment) but this time she is no where says the doctor.
Not only Angelina Jolie but many stars like Pamela Anderson known for faked breasts (through plastic surgery) has no longer impressed the patients today. Many patients, according to him, want to look more natural.

I don’t think your breasts should be the first thing people notice when you enter a room.

She”s known for having one of the finest bikini bods around, but Bethenny Frankel has revealed the torment she lived through after a bad breast surgery left her bosom”s less than picture perfect.
After growing increasingly insecure about what she described as her “saggy” bust, the “Bethany Ever After” star decided to go under the knife in 2005 for a breast lift. But, after her surgeon told her that procedure would leave her with “big lollipop scars,” she opted for small implants instead.
Much to the 35-year-old”s dismay, her results weren”t what she had hoped for, as she explained, “They were still saggy – only now they were bigger! I was so uncomfortable. I don”t think your breasts should be the first thing people notice when you enter a room.”
As a working chef with limited funds, Bethenny had to live with the unwanted implants for three more years, but that all changed when she shot to fame on “Real Housewives of New York”.
She told, “The minute I had the money, I was like, Lets do it. Now I feel comfortable. If theres something youre not comfortable with and you can correct it, great.